Dance is a form of emotional expression. Dancing is both an art and a form of recreation. It may tell a story or even set a mood. Dance is the art form in which human movement becomes the medium for sensing, understanding, and communicating ideas, feelings, and experiences.
Being a dancer is not as easy as it seems. They sweat; they work and work until they cannot work anymore. They work until their feet bleed and muscles tear, and still continue to dance fearlessly.
Dance is often termed as a soft sport but even the athletes work until they cannot work anymore. The difference lies in the thinking.
A true dancer’s body in motion transcends time and sheds away all the pious parameters. The pulsating music sways through them and their movements, their gestures and their eyes speak for them. They communicate with words unspoken. The feelings are expressed through their dance.
It takes an athlete to dance but an artist to be a dancer. These few lines aptly describe all the dancers, and the child within all of us that wants to dance like nobody is watching:
“When Life Spoke To Me”
My soul screamed for attention,
It wanted me to awake.
“You‛re immersed in the joy;
What more will it take?”
If dance is within me
It‛s got to come out.
“You are the dance,” the
Small voice started to shout.
“You don‛t make the music,
That‛s not what you do.
Awake to discover –
The music is you.”
To the small voice within
You need to attune.
So, get up and do it,
If it‛s dance to the moon.
If we put our heart into dance, the efforts of any dancer would never go unnoticed
Because as it is said by Albert Einstein, “Dancers are athletes of God”